

Job search automation platform

What is Loopcv?

LoopCV automates job search and application processes by providing a platform that continuously searches for job openings and applies on behalf of the user. LoopCV is designed to help job seekers save time, increase their chances of landing interviews, and manage their job search more effectively. LoopCV is ideal for those looking to streamline their job search, reduce the manual effort involved in applying for jobs, and improve their job application outcomes.

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Loopcv Reviews

from 1 reviews
Avatar for Critiqs AI
Critiqs AI
Dec 4, 2024

Customers appreciate LoopCV for automating the job application process, allowing users to upload their resumes, set job preferences, and have the platform apply to relevant positions on their behalf. Some users note that the interface can be challenging to navigate initially, but many find that it saves time and increases the number of job interviews.






Manage team growth and prevent burnout effectively.
Land your dream remote tech job
Manage hiring with integrated ATS and CRM
Rank resumes efficiently and streamline your hiring process.
AI compares cultures of 1500 companies using 5M opinions
Streamline hiring with fast, automated candidate evaluations.


Job search automation platform

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