
Enterprise SEO Rank Tracker

What is is a SEO ranking tool designed for businesses to gain valuable insights into Google search results pages (SERPs). It enables users to monitor keywords and keep an eye on competitors and brand presence with accuracy and detail. What sets Nozzle apart is its scheduling feature that allows users to track keywords at different intervals. Be it hourly updates or even as frequent, as every five minutes. Depending on the significance of the keyword being monitored. Additionally it gathers a range of data including “Pixels from Top ” the percentage above the fold and different search engine results page elements like highlighted snippets and also People Also Ask ( PAA ) boxes, among others.

Nozzle is designed for SEO professionals, agencies, and enterprises looking to dominate the SERPs. It tracks an unlimited number of competitors and offers a “Share of Voice” feature that helps identify both known and unknown competitors by monitoring domain, subdomain, and URL rankings. Additionally, Nozzle provides advanced data export options through integrations with tools like BigQuery, Tableau, and Google Data Studio.

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Enterprise SEO Rank Tracker

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